Summer Access to Legal Research Databases, Summer 2023
During the summer, continuing students retain access to all of NYLS databases (HeinOnline, ProQuest, TaxNotes, etc.) including Lexis and Bloomberg Law. Westlaw access for current students includes some restrictions.
You will automatically have free unlimited use of your law school Lexis ID this summer. This includes workplace related research (but check with your employer first; many firms prefer summer associates use a firm-issued Lexis ID for client work). If you have any questions, please contact our account manager, Nejat Bumin.
You can use Thomson Reuters products, including Westlaw, Practical Law, and the Practice Ready solutions, over the summer for non-commercial research. You can turn to these resources to gain understanding and build confidence in your research skills, but you cannot use them in situations where you are billing a client. Examples of permissible uses for your academic password include the following:
- Summer coursework
- Research assistant assignments
- Law Review or Journal research
- Moot Court research
- Non-Profit work (either required for graduation or as part of a class)
- Clinical work
- Externship sponsored by the school
If you have any questions, please contact our Westlaw Account Manager Shawn Lopez.
You may continue to use your Bloomberg Law account for any purpose. If you haven’t already signed up for a Bloomberg Law account, go to and click on “Academic Registration” (you must use your NYLS email).
For assistance using Bloomberg Law, students and graduates continue to have free access to the 24/7 Help Desk at (888) 560-2529 or You can also contact our Bloomberg Law Relationship Manager, Stefanie Schuette.
Continuing students have full access over the summer to most other online library resources. You’ll need to login with your NYLS network password. If you need HeinOnline, Law360, Proquest Congressional or most other databases, you’re all set!
QUESTIONS? Please contact the Reference Desk with any questions about summer access, or any other research related questions over the summer:
T 212.431.2332
Chat With the Reference Desk
Log in to Microsoft Teams with your NYLS network ID, and use Microsoft Web App to connect.
Mendik Library will be open on Monday June 19.
The first floor of the Library will be open for studying on Monday June 19 from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Reminder: Sign Up for the Summer Research Challenge and Research Skills Workshops.
Just a quick reminder to register now for the June Summer Research Challenge and Research Skills Workshops. These sessions will help you brush up on all the tools you can use for your summer externships and your upcoming Fall semester course research needs. Click here for details.
2023 Summer Research Challenge and Research Skills Workshops.
Ramp Up Your Research Skills!
This summer, take advantage of multiple opportunities to up your research game and learn more about tools you’ll need in practice through our popular Summer Research Challenge! See the attached flyer for details. Each virtual session begins at 6:00 p.m., with a short introduction to the research area, and then moves on to a concrete research problem where you need to efficiently identify the law bearing on your client’s situation. The sessions are two hours long and will wrap up with a discussion of results and strategies.
Attend whichever sessions most interest you, but researchers who successfully complete all four will receive a certificate signed by both Associate Dean William LaPiana and Associate Dean & Library Director Camille Broussard recognizing this achievement. It’s a great practical skill certification for your resume.
June 7: Researching Congressional Documents: Statutes and Legislative History
June 14: Where in the World is the Law: Tools and Strategies for International Law Research
June 21: Research on the Road to Trial: Experts, Juries, Discovery and More
June 28: Navigating the Regulatory Maze: Research in Administrative Law
For more information and to register, click this link, scroll down to the June calendar, and select the sessions you would like to register for. You will then be taken to the registration page for that session.
Research Skills Workshops
In addition to the Summer Research Challenge, we will also be offering our regular Research Skills Workshops. These virtual sessions are intended to give pointers on how to handle research situations you might face this summer. The workshops are 30 minutes long and will be offered on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 5:15 p.m., from June 6 through June 29, 2023. To register, click this link, scroll down to the June calendar, and select the sessions you would like to register for. You will then be taken to the registration page for that session.
Group Study Rooms
With exams upon us demand for study rooms increases. Please remember that these rooms are for group, not individual, study. One person is not a group. Individual studiers must share the room or yield it. If you are alone, you may be asked by a fellow student or a librarian to yield the room to a group. Insisting that your group members are “coming soon” is not an acceptable excuse. If your group members are not present, there is no group, and you must yield the room to an actual group that is present.
Please don’t attempt to “reserve” a room by depositing some personal belongings and then disappearing. And please don’t spread your belongings out to give the appearance of a group presence.
If you would like assistance from a librarian in asking a single student to leave a room, contact the reference desk (; 212.431.2332).
Please be considerate of all of your colleagues at this stressful time of year. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation.
Celebrate Law Day 2023
Each year on May 1st, the United States celebrates Law Day. First designated in 1958 by President Eisenhower, Law Day celebrates the rule of law and its contributions to Americans’ many freedoms. This year’s theme is Cornerstones of Democracy: Civics, Civility, and Collaboration. The Law Library of Congress and the American Bar Association are presenting a panel discussion titled “Civility and Collaboration: U.S. and International Perspectives.” It will feature a conversation about how selected jurisdictions have worked to increase bipartisanship, civics education, and civic engagement. This webinar will be on April 27 at 3:00 p.m. You can register here.
April is National Arab American Heritage Month (NAAHM).
April is National Arab American Heritage Month (NAAHM).
The National Arab American Heritage Month (NAAHM) initiative was launched in 2017 by Arab America and the Arab America Foundation to recognize the contributions of Arab Americans to the United States. In 2022, President Biden became the first U.S. president to declare April as Arab American Heritage Month. In his 2023 proclamation, President Biden said, “This month, we join together to celebrate the immeasurable contributions of Arab Americans to our Nation and recommit ourselves to the timeless work of making sure that all people have the opportunity to achieve the American Dream.… Today, the achievements of Arab Americans are reflected in the arts and sciences; in businesses and faith communities; in classrooms and hospitals; and in police stations, firehouses, and every branch of the military. Arab Americans are also proudly serving throughout my Administration, bringing a diversity of expertise that helps make this country stronger, more prosperous, and more just.”
This year, over 90 Proclamations, Resolutions, and Statements have been issued from the U.S. Government and 43 states by governors, mayors, school boards (including NYC Public Schools), and county executives. Governor Kathy Hochul issued this proclamation on behalf of the State of New York.