If you’re interested in corporate/securities law VitalLaw is a powerful online legal research tool with important legal content.
Stefanie Efrati, our VitalLaw Customer Success Manager, will be offering a fast-paced 30-minute virtual tour of how VitalLaw intelligently integrates and contextually links EDGAR Filings, primary law, SEC Guidance, No-Action Letters, Staff Comment Letters, Law Firm Memos, and Private Placements— providing multiple pathways into the content to match your workflow. It will include:
Friday March 29th from 1:00pm-1:30pm ET
Register Here (If you encounter difficulties with the link, please contact stefanie.efrati@wolterskluwer.com.)
Two attendees from the training session will be picked to win a $100 Amazon gift card.
Additional Wolters Kluwer trainings will be offered in April. Please contact Stefanie Efrati, the Wolters Kluwer Customer Success Manager, for more information at stefanie.efrati@wolterskluwer.com.
March is Women’s History Month. So introduce yourself to Peggy, the Women and the Law database available on HeinOnline. It brings together books, biographies and periodicals dedicated to the role of women in society and the law. You can access it from the HeinOnline home page. In addition, the Library of Congress has a dedicated web page for Women’s History Month, including information about events, ceremonies, and celebrations.
If you’re interested in tax, corporate/securities, or arbitration VitalLaw is a powerful online legal research tool with important legal content. Our subscription includes comprehensive access to treatises and other tools in these areas in addition to materials in the areas of intellectual property, evidence, and real estate finance.
Stefanie Efrati, our VitalLaw Customer Success Manager, will be offering a 20-minute virtual session that provides a quick intro to VitalLaw and a demonstration of how to:
1. Save time – with Expert Treatises, Guides and Tools such as Smart Charts
2. Streamline Your Research- Using the Practical Content Dashboard helps you get relevant resources efficiently in one place
3. Stay Current- our News provides the latest developments in your practice area!
The session is scheduled for Wednesday February 28th at 1:00 P.M. Register Now
Two attendees from the training session will be picked to win a $100 Amazon gift card.
Additional Wolters Kluwer trainings will be offered in March and April. Please contact Stefanie Efrati, the Wolters Kluwer Customer Success Manager, for more information at stefanie.efrati@wolterskluwer.com.
The Mendik Library wishes the very best of luck to all New York Law School graduates who will be sitting for the bar exam on February 27th and 28th! You know you can do it!
This is a reminder that the Mendik Library will be open on Monday February 19, from 8:00 a.m. to midnight. Circulation and Reference services will be available as follows:
Circulation Desk Hours 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Reference Desk Hours: 10:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
The first floor of the Mendik Library will be open as a study space from 8:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. tomorrow (Tuesday February 13). Reference services will be available remotely (from 10:30a.m. until 8:00 p.m.). Circulation desk services may or may not be available depending on weather conditions. We will provide updated information as soon as it is available, including hours for circulation desk services.
What are you looking for this Valentine’s Day? Love? Adventure? Excitement? Join our Find Love in the Library Info Hunt! It’s simple (and free!). You’ll automatically be entered to WIN great prizes . . . study aids, Lexis points, law dictionaries, Bluebooks, NYLS commuter mugs, Lexis Stanley commuter mugs and more!
Click here to access the questions. Each slide includes just one question, along with step-by-step instructions that will get you to the answer.
Just answer 7 of the 8 questions and submit them by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday February 14. Your answers don’t need to be perfect—just close!
The drawing will be held at 5:30 p.m. outside of the library. Although you don’t need to be present to win, those who are present at the drawing will receive a second entry form, doubling their odds of winning. Plus, there will be Valentine’s sweets.
And don’t forget to stop by the Reference Desk for some yummy Valentine’s Day chocolates.
The Moving Image and Sound Branch of the National Archives doesn’t just hold motion pictures. It’s also home to over 300,000 sound recordings, including those from the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court began recording its proceedings in 1955, but the court’s opinions were not recorded until the 1980s. The recordings are organized chronologically. Since cases are often argued over multiple days, cases can be split up between different recordings.
Some newly digitized landmark cases include:
The recordings divided into 3 series: Sound Recordings of Oral Arguments – Black Series, October 1955 – December 1972, Sound Recordings of Oral Arguments – Red Series, December 1972 – June 27, 2005, and Sound Recordings of Oral Arguments – Gold Series, October 3, 2005 – June 30, 2023.
You can also find searchable Supreme Court recordings by court term as early as 1955 on Oyez. Additionally, the Supreme Court website hosts recordings as early as 2010 on its website. Both sites include audio transcripts.