Digital Study Aids—Corrected Link

With finals approaching, your thoughts may be turning to study aids. If you’re interested in digital versions, you’re in luck. Our LexisNexis Digital Library, a collection of eBooks that you can check out and read on your computer, includes dozens of study aids and treatises.

You can access all of them from the Library’s home page. Click on LexisNexis Digital Library (under Electronic Resources) and then enter your NYLS credentials.

The service is easy to use, but if you have any questions, just contact a Reference Librarian.

Digital Study Aids

Digital Study Aids

With finals approaching, your thoughts may be turning to study aids. If you’re interested in digital versions, you’re in luck. Our LexisNexis Digital Library, a collection of eBooks that you can check out and read on your computer, includes dozens of study aids and treatises.

You can access all of them from the Library’s home page. Click on LexisNexis Digital Library (under Electronic Resources) and then enter your NYLS credentials.

The service is easy to use, but if you have any questions, just contact a Reference Librarian.

Extended Library Hours

Although the Library will be closed Thanksgiving Day (Thursday November 26), the Mendik Library space will be open with regular hours on Friday November 27 and Saturday November 28. Extended exam study hours will begin on Sunday November 29 through Monday December 21. The full schedule of exam study hours is set out below.

Thursday, November 26 — Library and all services CLOSED.

Effective Sunday November 29 through Monday December 21:

Mon – Fri: 8 am to 10 pm
Sat: 8 am to 8 pm
Sun: 8 am to 8 pm — first floor reading room only

Mon – Fri: 10 am to 7 pm
Sat – Sun: 12 noon to 6 pm

Mon – Thu: 11 am to 8 pm
Fri: 11 am to 6 pm
Sun: 12 noon to 6 pm

Wishing everyone a happy (and healthy!) Thanksgiving.

A Firm Perspective

A Firm Perspective is written by Martha Goldman, a retired BigLaw firm library manager who then returned to NYLS’s Mendik Library where her career began…

How Are Your Database Skills?

If you think you know all about Westlaw, Lexis, Bloomberg Law and/or FastCase, please rethink your comfort level.  Learning should be ongoing while in law school and throughout your career.  There is always something new to know for each database, especially when vendors release new versions, add new enhancements, rearrange content or remove resources.

Take advantage of as many instructional opportunities at NYLS as your schedule permits so you can be ahead of the game at an internship, summer job or work after graduation.  You probably won’t have access to all these services wherever you land, so it is a good idea to become sufficiently skilled with each of them to demonstrate your value to a supervising lawyer and show that you are a cost effective and efficient searcher.

For more information about database instruction workshops at NYLS, please contact the reference desk (  Vendor representatives offer training sessions as well.

A Quiet Place to Study


Do you need a quiet place to study with stable internet and socially distanced seating? The Mendik Library is open Monday-Friday: 8:00am-8:00pm & Saturday: 8:00am-6:00pm. Remember to wear your mask and to fill out your LiveSafe Daily Health Survey before arriving!


Remember to follow our new Instagram @nyls_mendiklibrary!

Five-Year Anniversary of The Law Book

November 3, 2020 marks the five-year anniversary of publication of Prof. Michael Roffer’s book, The Law Book: From Hammurabi to the International Criminal Court, 250 Milestones in the History of Law. The book explores 250 of some of the most significant, far-reaching, and often controversial cases, laws, and trials that have changed our world—for good and bad.

This five-year anniversary falls on election day, with a presidential election enveloped in acrimony and controversy. Two highly charged legal disputes that underlay some of the political battle comprise the last two entries in the book—the Affordable Care Act (2012) and The Legal Fight for Gay Marriage (2015)—which address the Supreme Court decisions that upheld the Affordable Care Act and affirmed the constitutional right of gay couples to marry.

Despite the seeming resolution of those issues eight and five years ago, respectively, both have reemerged as hot-button topics in this year’s presidential election and the recent confirmation hearings for Justice Amy Coney Barrett.  (The politicization of the Supreme Court appointment and confirmation process is another topic covered in the book, Robert Bork’s Supreme Court Nomination (1987) and Confirming Clarence Thomas (1991).)

The Haunted Halloween Info Hunt Returns!

Happy Halloween from the Mendik Library!

Here’s your chance to WIN some great study aids from the Q & A series and the Examples & Explanations series.

Just post answers to these 3 Halloween Info Hunt questions to your Instagram or Facebook along with a photo relating to the question (or any fall or Halloween related picture) by November 1st. Your answers don’t need to be perfect—just close! Be sure to tag nyls_mendiklibrary on Instagram and @mendiklib on Facebook.

We’ll select five winners who will each get to choose one of the listed study aids.

Questions & Answers: Torts || Property || Con Law || Contracts || Civ Pro || Crim Law

Examples & Explanations: Torts || Property || Contracts || Civ Pro || Crim Law || Corporations || Prof Responsibility

#1: Is insulting one’s neighbors on Halloween tombstone decorations constitutionally protected speech, or is it the sort of abusive speech that would tend to incite a breach of the peace and is thereby prohibited? Find and cite the Seventh Circuit case deciding this issue.

    • Log into Lexis+
    • In the search box, type <<Halloween /p tombstone>>
    • Select the “Court” filter on the left and then choose 7th Circuit and then 7th Circuit Court of appeals


#2: In the early 1990s, a house buyer sued to rescind a purchase after learning the house was said to be possessed by poltergeists. Find the case in which the New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division, ruled the house haunted as a matter of law.

    • Go to Westlaw Edge and choose State materials and then New York
    • Select All New York State Cases
    • Under “Start a New Search,” click on Advanced Caselaw Search
    • Type possess <<poltergeist haunted>> in the search field
    • Run the search


#3: With Halloween come witches (and pumpkins, of course!). In his article, Something Wicked This Way Comes: A History of Witch Hunts, Associate Librarian and Professor of Legal Research Michael Roffer writes about the role the legal system played in historic and modern day “witch hunts.” After locating the article, provide the names of three of the five “witch hunts” detailed in the article and in Professor Roffer’s book from which the article was adapted: The Law Book: From Hammurabi to the International Criminal Court, 250 Milestones in the History of Law.

    • Go to Lexis+
      Under Content, select Legal News
    • Select the Advanced Search option above the search bar
    • Enter the title of the article (put it in quotation marks) in the Title field
    • Select Search