Below is the schedule for the Mendik Library’s hours of operation from Tuesday, February 1 to Monday, February 7, 2022.
* Reference hours will be virtual
The COVID-19 pandemic has focused much debate on vaccines and vaccination. An important resource providing expert treatment of this specialized area of the law is Brian Dean Abramson’s treatise, Vaccine, Vaccination, and Immunization Law, available via Bloomberg Law (NYLS email and password required).
The treatise covers a wide range of relevant laws and regulations. Topics include the research and development process, public mandates, including mandatory child vaccinations and the legal consequences of failure to vaccinate, as well as medical, religious, and philosophical exemptions. State-by-state coverage of each jurisdiction’s common requirements and the unique legal characteristics of childhood and adult vaccinations, isolation and quarantine laws, patent law elements relevant to securing and enforcing protection for vaccines, and other intellectual property protections such as trademark, trade secret, unfair competition, and copyright law are also included. Additional topics are compensation for vaccine injuries, products liability, failure to warn, medical malpractice and punitive damages.
Exam period is here and your easygoing nature probably is diminishing quickly. Little things that you ignored last week are a big deal today. So, if it bugs you, say something.
Tell us about the light bulb over your favorite study spot that is out or the outlet that doesn’t work. Or the person with the malodorous lunch or dinner. Or the guy in the stairwell talking on his cell phone at full volume.
If you see, hear, or smell something, say something. It’s your library and you are here to study without distractions. Let us help do that. Contact the Reference Desk at 212.431.2332, the Circulation Desk at 212.431.2333, or email us at
With finals approaching, your thoughts may be turning to study aids. If you’re interested in digital versions, you’re in luck. Our LexisNexis Digital Library, a collection of eBooks that you can check out and read on your computer, includes dozens of study aids and treatises.
You can access all of them from the Library’s home page. Click on Electronic Resources and then on LexisNexis Digital Library. (From off campus you’ll need to enter your NYLS network credentials.) If you have any questions, just contact a Reference Librarian.
Does your phone or laptop need a charge? Stop by the Library’s Circulation Desk and the juice is on us; no charge to charge – it’s free! Charging is limited to 30 minutes if another student needs the charger too. Otherwise, you can fill ‘er up.
As exam season approaches, please help keep the library quiet. We want you all to be able to study with as few distractions as possible.
If there’s noise or conversations that don’t belong, please email us at or call us at 212.431.2332. We’ll be happy to do some shushing!
Good luck on your exams!
Four important Library resources to keep in mind as you prepare for upcoming exams.
First: The Library’s Exam Preparation Resources web page offers a host of materials containing practical advice and strategies designed to help you navigate the exam process.
Second: One of the best ways to prepare for a professor’s exam is to see what they have done in the past! It’s a great way to understand how your professor thinks.
The Library maintains an archive of previous years’ exams for most courses. They are found in the Exam Archive (Choose “Exams, Grades, and Registration” under the Student Resources tab) on the NYLS Portal. You can access these exams by course or professor name.
Third: Want to find a study aid? Check out our collection on Lexis Digital. You can search by subject, title or author to find what you’re looking for. You can also search our catalog to see what we have in print.
Fourth: CALI offers a variety of lessons and podcasts with helpful tips and advice from faculty on preparing for and taking exams. To access these materials, log in to CALI; under CALI Topics, click Legal Concepts and Skills and scroll down to one or more of these lessons:
Exam Taking Skills, Outlines, and Advice for Law Students (Panel 1 PodCast)
Exam Taking Skills, Outlines, and Advice for Law Students (Panel 2 PodCast)
Exam Taking Skills, Outlines, and Advice for Law Students (Panel 3 PodCast)
Tips for Multiple Choice Exams in Law School (Podcast)
Top 10 Tips for Successfully Writing a Law School Essay (Podcast)