Reminder: Sign Up Today for the Summer Research Challenge and RSWs

We wanted to send a quick reminder to register now for the June Summer Research Challenge and Research Skills Workshops.  These sessions will help you brush up on all the tools you can use for your summer externships and your upcoming Fall semester course research needs.

Ramp Up Your Research Skills!

This summer, take advantage of multiple opportunities to up your research game and learn more about tools you’ll need in practice through our popular Summer Research Challenge! Click here to see the flyer for details.

Each session begins at 6:00 p.m., with a short introduction to the research area, and then moves on to a concrete research problem where you need to efficiently identify the law bearing on your client’s situation. The sessions are two hours long and will wrap up with a discussion of results and strategies.

Attend whichever sessions most interest you, but researchers who successfully complete all four will receive a certificate signed by both Associate Dean William LaPiana and Associate Dean & Library Director Camille Broussard recognizing this achievement. It’s a great practical skill certification for your resume.

June 8:   Researching Congressional Documents: Statutes and Legislative History

June 15: Navigating the Regulatory Maze: Research in Administrative Law

June 22: Where in the World is the Law: Tools and Strategies for International Law Research

June 29: Research on the Road to Trial: Experts, Juries, Discovery and More

For more information and to register, click this link, scroll down to the June calendar, and select the sessions you would like to register for. You will then be taken to the registration page for that session.

Research Skills Workshops

In addition to the Summer Research Challenge, we will also be offering our regular Research Skills Workshops. These sessions are intended to give pointers on how to handle research situations you might face this summer. The workshops are 30 minutes long and will be offered on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 5:15 p.m., from June 7 through June 30, 2022. To register, click this link, scroll down to the June calendar, and select the sessions you would like to register for. You will then be taken to the registration page for that session.

Call “Home” First for Your Summer Research Needs

While spending time in the library may be the last thing on your mind this summer, if you find yourself needing some research assistance during your internship or summer classes, you should call home!  No, not Mom and Dad–your other home, also known as the Mendik Library!  While you can always email us at, we have also assembled a plethora of valuable resources to help you with your summer research needs.  Go to to access our Call Home First Research Guide. It provides many of the research tools and information sources you need to succeed.

2022 Summer Research Challenge and Research Skills Workshops

Ramp Up Your Research Skills!

This summer, take advantage of multiple opportunities to up your research game and learn more about tools you’ll need in practice through our popular Summer Research Challenge! Click here to see the flyer for details.

Each session begins at 6:00 p.m., with a short introduction to the research area, and then moves on to a concrete research problem where you need to efficiently identify the law bearing on your client’s situation. The sessions are two hours long and will wrap up with a discussion of results and strategies.

Attend whichever sessions most interest you, but researchers who successfully complete all four will receive a certificate signed by both Associate Dean William LaPiana and Associate Dean & Library Director Camille Broussard recognizing this achievement. It’s a great practical skill certification for your resume.

June 8:   Researching Congressional Documents: Statutes and Legislative History

June 15: Navigating the Regulatory Maze: Research in Administrative Law

June 22: Where in the World is the Law: Tools and Strategies for International Law Research

June 29: Research on the Road to Trial: Experts, Juries, Discovery and More

For more information and to register, click this link, scroll down to the June calendar, and select the sessions you would like to register for. You will then be taken to the registration page for that session.

Research Skills Workshops

In addition to the Summer Research Challenge, we will also be offering our regular Research Skills Workshops. These sessions are intended to give pointers on how to handle research situations you might face this summer. The workshops are 30 minutes long and will be offered on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 5:15 p.m., from June 7 through June 30, 2022. To register, click this link, scroll down to the June calendar, and select the sessions you would like to register for. You will then be taken to the registration page for that session.

Course Registration: Why You Should Consider Legal Research

Among the most important skills all lawyers rely upon is the ability to do legal research– to find what’s needed to interpret and analyze legal issues. It’s an integral part of the “competencies” that NYLS and the ABA require of law students.  Effective research skills are vital to students engaged in any type of legal writing, to those who are clerking or participating in externships, and to those entering legal practice.

To help prepare you for the realities of law practice, we offer several courses that will make you a more efficient, confident and successful researcher.

Legal Research: Practical Skills (1 credit)

Builds on fundamental research skills through refining students’ techniques, introducing shortcuts and new approaches, and developing effective strategies.  The course focuses on finding legislation, administrative materials, and related cases; using the secondary sources relied on by practitioners; attaining greater proficiency and comfort with Lexis, Westlaw, Bloomberg, and other online research tools, including reliable free and low-cost sources.  We also offer this class with a focus on a particular substantive practice area, including Corporate & Business Law; Criminal Law; Family Law; Intellectual Property Law; and Real Estate Law.

  • For the Fall ’22 semester we are offering Legal Research: Practical Skills (4 remote Saturday classes) and Legal Research: Criminal Law (7 weekday classes, in-person).


  • For the Spring ’23 semester we are offering Legal Research: Practical Skills (4 Saturday classes, in-person) and Legal Research: Corporate & Business Law (7 weekday classes, in person).


Legal Research: Skills for the Digital World (3 credits)

Continues to build on the fundamentals described in Legal Research: Practical Skills.  Students concentrate on more advanced techniques and strategies and learn to evaluate online and print materials in order to choose the best and most cost-effective source for projects.  Some assignments are geared to students’ individual subject interests.  Take-home assignments test and enhance students’ ability to perform various research tasks and strengthen their understanding of important research process and strategy consideration. This class will be offered only during the Fall ’22 semester.

Want more information? Contact Associate Dean and Professor Camille Broussard or Professor Michael Roffer.

A Carrel to Call Your Own! Or L402…

If you’re an NYLS alum studying for the Bar Exam, we invite you to choose your own personal Library carrel (on L3 or L4) for your exclusive use through the July 26-27 Bar Exam.  If you prefer to study in a room, we have also reserved room L402 in the library for bar studiers.

For those of you interested in reserving a carrel, we’ll put your name on the carrel of your choice, and you can use it as your temporary home away from home.  Who knows…you may occasionally find study treats left just for you.

All you need to do is send an email to, and indicate the number of the carrel you’d like to call your own.  All carrels are labeled by floor and carrel number.  For example, the first carrel on level L3 is labeled L3-C1, the second is labeled L3-C2; the first carrel on level L4 is labeled L4-C1, etc.

Due to Covid-19 distancing requirements, the number of carrels available for use this summer is limited.  If you would like to reserve a carrel, please do so as soon as possible.  Here are the currently available socially distanced carrels:


C1 C3 C6 C8 C10 C12 C14 C16
C18 C20 C22 C24 C26 C28 C30 C31
C33 C34 C36 C38 C40 C42 C44



C4 C6 C8 C14 C16 C17 C20 C22
C24 C25 C27 C29 C31 C32 C34 C36
C38 C40 C42 C44 C46


Regular habits are essential for Bar Exam study.  And we in the Library CARE about your success.  We look forward to seeing you.

Important Reminder for Exams Period

At finals time, we get complaints about noise in the library. We do what we can to cultivate a quiet environment by asking people to be quieter when we observe an issue but we can’t be everywhere. We count on your cooperation to help maintain a quiet space for all.

All areas in the library are Quiet Study Zones, with the exception of the area next to the Reference and Circulation Desks on the first floor. We ask that you keep verbal communication to a minimum in all Quiet Study Zone areas and that you do no more than whisper. Cell phones and computers should be silenced completely. If you are listening to music or other audio via headphones, please ensure the volume is low enough that sound is not leaking from the headphones.

If you encounter a noisy facilities condition like a squeaky door or noisy library equipment, please report it immediately to Reference or Circulation. Send an email to or call extension 2332. We’ll do what we can to get the problem resolved as quickly as possible.

We understand that during finals the library gets crowded, and people may be stressed and on edge, so we appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain a quiet place for everyone to study. Thank you for your help and good luck on exams!

Celebrating Women’s History Month: Sybil Shainwald (’76)

At a time when women lawyers were often relegated to handling only “women’s issues,” Sybil Shainwald ’76 turned that limitation into a trailblazing career.  Earning her law degree in the school’s evening program in her late 40s, Sybil went on to specialize in women’s health reform.  She litigated cases involving drugs and medical devices that have inflicted harm on women and their children.  She has written, testified, and lectured extensively on obstetrical malpractice, IUDs, unnecessary hysterectomies, hormone therapy, and products liability litigation.

She received the New York Law School President’s Award in 2007 and is a Trustee Emeritus after having served on the Board for many years. In 2004, Sybil created the Sidney Shainwald Public Interest Lecture Series at NYLS in honor of her late husband Sidney, an impassioned advocate for social justice. In 2018, the lecture was delivered by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

You can learn more about Sybil and other esteemed alums by visiting our Digital Commons.

Never Fall Back Again

Did you have trouble waking up on Monday?  Or maybe overslept on Sunday?  Well, changing the clocks may be a thing of the past.

On Tuesday, March 15th, the Senate unanimously passed a bill that would make daylight saving time permanent.  Marco Rubio introduced the bill back on March 9, 2021 but unfortunately it was not voted on in time for this most recent spring forward.  The bill now moves to the House of Representatives where it will need to pass before the end of this legislative session, and then be signed by the president, in order to become law.