Remember to set up your Bloomberg, LexisNexis and Westlaw accounts

All 1L students—If you haven’t already done so, please set up your Bloomberg, LexisNexis and Westlaw accounts. You’ll need them later in the semester for legal research and citation checking.

The information necessary to retrieve your registration codes and create your accounts can be found at:

If you need any help, please contact the Reference Desk ( or via MS Teams).

Hone Your Research Skills This Summer

The Library staff hopes that you and yours are staying safe and well in these challenging  times. This summer, the Library will be offering a series of 30 minute long Research Skills Workshops via Zoom:

-The Bluebook
-Is All Your Research Up To Date?
-Power Googling
-Researching NYC Law
-Staying Current With The Law

The workshops, which all begin at 5:15, will be held each Tuesday and Thursday from June 9 through July 2.

For a more details and a complete schedule, please visit to

We look forward to seeing you.

Remote Access to Casebooks and Texts, Summer 2020

Arrangements giving students free remote access to casebooks and texts, offered by publishers during the Spring Semester, are expiring, or have expired. This includes texts accessed online through the LexisNexis Digital Library, VitalSource, and West Academic.

Students enrolled in Summer Semester courses will not have free online access to required texts. Please keep in mind that the Mendik Library will remain closed during the Summer Semester, and that you will not be able to borrow physical copies of your course reserve items.

Summer Semester students are encouraged to purchase their required texts through the NYLS online bookstore. Several publishers offer ebook versions of texts to students who have purchased or rented print copies. These offers vary from publisher to publisher. Please take careful note of details when you purchase the books.

During the summer the publishers of The Bluebook will continue to offer online access, at no cost, to members of the NYLS community who do not have access to a print copy. If you wish to take advantage of this offer, please email the Library at Your request must come from a NYLS email address.

2020 Summer Access to Bloomberg Law, Lexis Advance and Westlaw

Student access to Bloomberg Law, Lexis Advance and Westlaw are based on academic subscription plans maintained by New York Law School.

Bloomberg Law: Bloomberg Law provides unlimited and unrestricted access over the summer. Your student account will remain active and available all summer, without any additional registration required.

Lexis Advance: From May 1 to August 31, 2020, students may use their Lexis Advance password for any purpose at school or at work, including any paid or unpaid legal work.

Westlaw: You can use Thomson Reuters products, including Westlaw and Practical Law, over the summer for non-commercial research. You can turn to these resources to gain understanding and build confidence in your research skills, but you cannot use them in situations where you are billing a client (paid legal work). Examples of permissible uses for your academic password include the following:
• Summer coursework
• Research assistant assignments
• Law Review or Journal research
• Moot Court research
• Non-Profit work
• Clinical work
• Externship sponsored by the school

If you are working for a firm or a for-profit organization, you should use the Westlaw account provided by your employer.

For more information, please visit:

Remembering Justice John Paul Stevens

Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens died at the age of 99 on July 16, 2019, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.  With over three decades on the Supreme Court bench, wearing his trademark bowtie, Stevens was the third-longest serving Justice of the high court before his June 2010 retirement.

Born and raised in Chicago, Stevens grew up in the heyday of the Roaring Twenties. After graduating from the University of Chicago, he served as a codebreaker in the U.S. Navy during World War II, and upon his discharge, enrolled at Northwestern University School of Law.  Shortly after his graduation, he secured a Supreme Court clerkship with Justice Wiley Rutledge, and when that ended, went into private practice specializing in antitrust law.  In 1970, President Richard Nixon nominated Stevens to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, where he made a name for himself as a moderate conservative judge.  Five years later, President Gerald Ford appointed him to fill the Supreme Court vacancy created by the retirement of Justice William O. Douglas.

Justice Stevens leaves an indelible impression on many of the critical social issues that have reached the Supreme Court.  The broad scope and range of his many opinions include those impacting abortion, affirmative action, civil rights, climate change, criminal justice, the death penalty, and many other pressing issues.

Despite a perceived evolution in his ideology over the course of his years on the bench, Justice Stevens was known to be an intellectual and pragmatic jurist, with a strong aversion to ideological and partisan characterizations.  His commitment to justice and passion for “learning on the job” helped him garner a reputation for honesty, humility and wisdom as well as the respect of many.

If the impact and influence of a jurist can be determined by how much has been written about him and his body of work, the numerous tributes and memorials that have proliferated since his passing provide testimony to Justice Steven’s exemplary life and judicial career.

The following is a list of works written by Justice Steven that are available in the Library’s collection:

The Making of a Justice: Reflections on my First 94 Years (2019)
KF8745 .S78 A3 2019

With William N. Eskridge Jr., Interpreting Law: A Primer on How to Read Statutes and the Constitution (2016)
KF425.E833 2016

Six Amendments: How and Why We Should Change the Constitution (2014)
KF4557 .S74 2014

Five Chiefs: A Supreme Court Memoir (2011)
KF8745.S78 A3 2011

Supreme Court Watch

On Monday, July 9, 2018, President Donald Trump nominated Brett M. Kavanaugh of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy on the United States Supreme Court. This nomination has given President Trump his second nomination in his first two years in office. Many legal observers opine that this might be one of the most crucial nominations to the Court and could portend a fundamental shift in the court. The resources below will help you learn more about Judge Kavanaugh and the Senate confirmation process.

Law Library of Congress: Resources: Brett M. Kavanaugh
Summary: Articles, books, congressional materials, and web resources by and about the Supreme Court nominee.

SCOTUSblog: Nomination of Brett Kavanaugh
Summary: SCOTUSblog provides comprehensive Supreme Court coverage and commentary.

Excerpt: SCOTUS Watch tracks the public statements made by United States senators about how they plan to vote on the Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, and tallies them into a likely vote count.

Exam Prep Help!

The Library wants to help!! Here are three important tips as you prepare for upcoming exams:

• Visit the Library’s Exam Preparation Resources page for lots of sources containing practical advice and strategies.

• Visit our archive of previous years’ exams, organized by course name and professor, found under Student Resources on the NYLS Portal.

• Try some CALI lessons, interactive tutorials covering almost all law school subjects. CALI also offers a variety of lessons and podcasts with exam tips and advice from faculty, including Top 10 Tips for Successfully Writing a Law School Essay and Tips for Multiple Choice Exams in Law School. If you haven’t registered for CALI, contact the Reference Desk ( for the access code or pick up a CALI card at the Reference Desk.

CALI also wants to help you “tune out the noise,” with their complimentary earplugs. Grab a pair (a pair) at the Reference Desk.

NYLS To Close Thursday, February 9, Due To Winter Storm – Law School building and Library will be open

This evening, it was announced that the New York City public schools will be closed tomorrow due to expected significant snowfall. As a result, New York Law School is closing its administrative offices tomorrow and all of tomorrow’s classes, meetings, and events are cancelled. Despite these cancellations, the Law School building will be open for use by community members from 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. The Library will be open from ‎10 a.m. to 6 p.m. We expect that NYLS will resume all scheduled classes, meetings, and activities on Friday, February 10. Please watch for emails, texts, and voice messages from our NotifyNYLS emergency communication system to ensure you have the latest updates.

Thank you, and please stay safe and warm.

Welcoming Our New Online Catalog!


During the semester break the Library will be rolling out our new online catalog (which is part of a wider integrated library software system named Koha.) This will replace our existing catalog.

The new online catalog will provide all the features that you’ve come to expect from our current system. You’ll use it to search the Library’s collections of books and electronic resources. It will help you identify your course reserves, charge these out, and renew them. It will keep track of the materials you’ve borrowed, tell you when they’re due to be returned, and list any Library fines or fees you may have incurred.

Plus, the new online catalog will offer features not found in our current catalog, such as search history and filtering of search results. If you like Amazon’s website, you’re likely to be more comfortable with the new catalog.

All of your account information in our current catalog will migrate to the new online catalog. Your Library barcode and login credentials will remain the same. Our award-winning mobile app, Mendik Mobile, is still available, and none of its features will change.

The go-live date for our new online catalog will be Monday, December 21.

The Library staff thanks you for your patience and understanding as we migrate from one software platform to another. If you notice any glitches when using the new catalog, please bring them to our attention so that we can work to resolve them.

We believe you’ll be pleased with the final product.

Library Study Hall

Effective Monday December 2, all study areas and computer labs in the Mendik Library will remain open late night and early morning hours.  The late hours extend to 2 a.m. every day, and the Library space reopens at 7 a.m. every morning.  This Study Hall schedule will remain in effect through the end of the exams period.

During the Study Hall period all areas behind the Circulation Desk, including the Reserve Collection and the Reserve Reading Room, will close at 11 p.m. on Monday through Thursday, and 10 p.m. on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  The Library opens for business at 8 a.m. on weekdays, and 9 a.m. on weekends.

During late night and early morning Study Hall hours there are no librarians on duty; security guards patrol Library rooms and study areas.  All Circulation transactions, including borrowing and return of books, as well as charge-out and charge-in of Reserve materials, must be completed by regular closing time.  Policies regarding food, drink and quiet study remain in effect.

Late and early Study Hall is for NYLS students only; you’ll need your NYLS OneCard ID to stay to stay in the Library or to enter the Library after 11 p.m. Please have your ID ready to show the guard.